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injunction little bit long in coming we had three days of if it says to start this type of activity in the city fb the activity which has outfield set the negro cause back at this time now before things get to bed too much animosity for three years or even better and i think the fact that they were able to develops and i think it's a tremendous secure the the injunction was a good legacy out nine beta one the thing for this community play is with things when you were there's a week of you very very shrewd
politically to do in nineteen fifty eight and then when it's b the movie national
educational television has a louisiana the film versions of events during a voter registration conducted in the sixth congressional district in the state of louisiana and the congress immigration the corps nineteen sixty three the corps members of the rally were welcomed by local school principal mr w w well we have all things a long long time well i think like you then you can come join us and move on that they don't like the idea that we like we've been back there when we had
to override republican when that was no republican primary what we have been hoping and roy that would come along with your we're not be a way to get it wet and the iliad towards national program director gordon kerry responded well we've really been welcomed i think into this town it when mr ronnie moore first thought of making arrangements for our little group to come down here he suggested that we have more interracial workshop all platinum which i'd never heard of before and i thought this is probably the last place in the world where we could find housing an accommodation or an interracial group not only on your work on voter registration about that is dr in spanish chorus going to continue working as we have a new orleans and baton
rouge were want to make all forms of discrimination and segregation ah as he had come more than forty volunteers from all parts of the united states from california to new england most of the north and the fact that this was a literary know i'm never knew exactly how many louisiana laws against mixing like the violin the task force included several school teachers union organizer many graduate students some undergraduates and even opponents of the plan of action kosher attend a training period in clackamas after which the group would be divided into teams to carry on voter registration work in a louisiana purchase one way to find out about a town and the
parish is simply do drive through it and if possible talk with people it's wonderful town they lived and the people who are here are getting its bill is the city of hospitality it was incorporated in one hundred and twenty five years ago we have a tremendous history in mcallen a lot of political call insidious and goes it's the seat of the impact that a long fellows evangeline gabriel was supposed to travel despite to see his lover and st martin's one question on the needles in and get some action on new media community were the things that
made those years and that means more listener musters you complaining you know grit is how it is and you were in college in a lot of sixties families the ministers
wanted to meet with mr in this barricaded been fabulous attitude between the the negro and the white guy we're all we lived together for years and years and we have given them just about everything that we can financially and physically give them and we read respect one for the other and i hope to god that nothing happens on develops that would change his basic respect because i think eventually it can't help would produce a better city live in fact when one of a quiet town situated on with the environmental of the women of ramallah honor them on new orleans in the community of me because we were concerned that that this may be an election year we did not have all were educational point that they liked
but then for the external appearance with it it was a very quiet now the training sessions in how to register voters conducted by running more corn field secretary for louisiana it is one task force members try their
hand at the test they didn't do too well particularly under the money more playing the part of a registrar but there was no let up in the training since the people were set up voter registration classes or clinics as the recall john mccain of course went through the group of behavior in rural southern community he and harwell with people in the community garden terry interviewed local recruits for the task force
i think it is good morning you moving and that was one of the ground training offered
printing himself with the debate you know yeah yeah yeah you can do it
here do you agree are you who is it
money settling the parents the power to seek a fair steve it's a green beret when they were given a formal briefing are you know in that video that he reached the people there you know at that point and twenty square mile than nine thousand people he came to power
ronnie moore has been the precondition and they go with it in the end there's a couple coffee the lasik incentive perhaps that's the women said he and
she refused to a service that you mention that these giant ship called the officers who were arrested i was i was outside ridgewood california often came up and said don't do that actually that's a genius review the senators who will actually leave it under wraps even today and on the way back yeah it is
dave dave it's b it's both yeah yeah
the show education thank you this question about the impulse toward
less action in contrast with the usually quiet are registering voters their money your job title in each community housing have to be found in homes of local residents and always there was fear to overcome it took personal courage to house an interracial group and then clinton louisiana one such person witnesses holmes or mama jo who apparently referred to you so that you know when other people while you do that it was important to
do what you think of the more heavily on the atmosphere together legislative and divided me the file right right we don't anticipate that any parishes the hard work of door to door canvassing got underway the voter education schools or clinics were set up and at the end of each day there were the reports and strategy meeting and it made it like a lot of people come to the clinic and was inundated with his open a clinic the division
you'll find it but how do we get them and each morning and knocking on doors and the attempt to overcome fear ignorance and years of intimidation well
michigan he's humiliated and if they
don't have a bit of a lavender them away and they wouldn't comment whether that the purple you know thank
you any day and admit it yeah yeah remember the national instrument of course
we know he won't you know not to be you asked the question what negroes want more registration is that good live get its mississippi river
and then they can go and you can get large legros of info and you begin to wonder what we really were objections when tamil into negroes only doing this to the river now they arrest to be doing with cars and then find him guilty in a coal plant and so very much is just change one form into another we need a challenging laws any laws that would guarantee cruel just that the political roots of the south and we need laws that would guarantee fail law enforcement in show we need protection it actually goes on to various line of protection in voter registration we think that we might be able to somehow change the entire picture
and by wind which negroes walk into a courtroom they receive justice and at no time we find our people floating down the nets the river on a hot sunny afternoon early in august about twenty five taskforce workers enjoying their first free afternoon going north of every three of them when the interracial group refused to segregate itself a ferry captain called the sheriff turned around in mid stream returned apartment and the group for the rest of them larger than the average joe parrish get all new movie from the mood at the huge movement the movement oh
yeah it may be right but we do thank you it thank you
it's been it is b more true former publisher of the group
what is it the sheriff turned a request over to the police chief of letterman and then sunday gave permission for one song and a prayer on the sidewalk in front of the courthouse it as well the
day is the paintings became we don't really need to be you hear me right
right it made gretchen was impossibly hard right now to call it just a city with now i see a day only at it and so they they got a captain just jot them down and now an obligation to give back
is big that's been the pattern three walking the aisles and that's going to be watching the grills can disparage it that is so mark a job application would be when i didn't see the time is not like when you get back and you can see where i get it we don't know
the fbi the week the city he's been as big the registration
good voodoo of this summer's really going to the recently released a somewhat different ways you're eighteen the
problem right right thank you and in it you know that he and the league and leave me
as at that good morning the piece at the peak the power to
push back the preakness be he is on a date the end of
movies the dc it the people at the camp the pope the kid
thank you in the nineteen nineties tuesday august twentieth the sit ins began around the arrests followed immediately the demonstrators mostly young people of the town were about the city hall for booking the mayor of vitamin ocean
above an appeal to the town thank you
with the jail already filled the demonstrators were taken by bus to the other military share grounds where they were locked up in a brick walled compound he's former running more and other leaders of the monday night march on city hall were jailed in the small town of double i was working on a video dr mclaughlin position and the only one of the leaders to be blunt about the reported on a meeting with marriage like an abortion eight with the mayor and try and work out all twelve across the table and we met with the man we were the memory of both on average
every house we asked the man for establishment of a biracial comedian all of the climate will hit without further demonstrations we x fall in cooperation don't wanna make them feel real to local communities which we think have been demanded i'll play the possibility of becoming and cooperate in fact when we have for jobs as on this adaptation in the sanitation department and in on the police force or the point or you or denied and no gary eight years of post one of the two part of a newspapers' expressed his concern i think that as a man goats and conceivably have it be me push as such we're expanded over the period of the next three weeks i think a tremendous amount of animosity could do well here and now i think that we could have one hell of a
situation i think eventually the demand and i think the key to the whole thing is demand conceivably it would be better to call the request i think that that the public officials is such don't appreciate the fact that that the things that all eyes fall on that test only on the mandatory also a concert will happen and a seriously divided community and with rumors of a federal injunction against core another marked with obama at city hall chief sunday prepare before the evening
with over the arrests since the beginning of the week numbered more than three hundred we can and on the following morning a federal injunction was at his brilliant way of any individual you know and that
i would be at one of the well because you know the moment that one day really we go back on monday we spoke about the lab tonight at being the most proven night initiative community than i did even more cringe because that people have shown up at night and in the bathroom and every night i get to be that much more important at note that can we met anyone will quote think that we've gotten that we're going to fight until we can fight a war and then we go on a fire area the
pope not human puppet about tonight we will engage in a lot of the night and tomorrow and a lot of them are non violent it is the pain if you want to be with me we go and we have
our rights area where we will be given out of an area in the movie when a minute from when we will mark the time and that evening the moment trickery succeeded there's only one state police met the martyrs hussein who's been repaired but there were more to the different sort going on another version they are jews to the registrar's office you know how they nail this march when a telephone call to the justice department was going on people to go out to the day
that people yeah yeah oh we have to hear some assurance that we can as good people out there we have somebody we don't want to hear who has been on a long time this week fbi your description a nonviolent direct action and
become like the court has gained far and many of the other leaders were still in jail on the final registration report forgiven and i think twenty people by dale point of their statistics restraint realities of the settlers were not on the line well the task force officially ended on august twenty fifth of course listeners should be recorded one of the human contingent of the august twentieth march on washington as
a half and to prevent this man was beaten in west louisiana parish where having tried to register to vote and this man reverend joseph carter who was arrested on his first attempt successfully registered on oct seventeen zero mark in west louisiana was broken would require the protection of the fbi and the justice department and behind the scene there was another which we call are what running more had said earlier about the mississippi just the other day it was the last moment that there is the rest of his family to protect the pentagon they could not secure protection law will be dependent upon god so long and that we were going to be
dependent on what they are in a problem now it's a new well and that will be a way out of the problem that we have been appointed federal government allow the way to go and that the suppression will not made large does it has been
new national educational television
Louisiana Diary
Producing Organization
KQED-TV (Television station : San Francisco, Calif.)
Contributing Organization
KQED (San Francisco, California)
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/55-73pvn97r).
Program Description
This report follows a special Congress of Racial Equality team during a voter registration drive conducted in the Sixth Congressional District in Louisiana for a six-week period during the summer of 1963. The documentary captures all the aspects of the civil rights struggle in the south - from the quiet, hard work of CORE team members attempting to persuade the Negro to register to vote to scenes of demonstrations, rallies, and tear gas encounters. The program covers the eight parishes (counties) that make up the largest part of the sixth district: Iberville, East Baton Rouge, West Baton Rouge, Point Coupee, St. Helena, Tangipahoa, East Feliciana, and West Feliciana. However, Iberville Parish is the program's focal point. Prior to their arrival in Louisiana, the CORE members are seen practicing techniques on non-violent marches, sit-ins, and self-protection against water hose and physical assault. The camera records the mounting tensions as the CORE team tries to find housing with reluctant Louisiana Negroes. The members are met with reluctance again as they canvas Negro residents in the voter registration drive. Some of the responses team members encounter in the small communities of Felixville and Beach Grove in East Feliciana Parish are: "My vote wasn't legal anyway," "It wasn't counted, so there wasn't any need to vote." But the CORE team also finds determined residents who do go to the clinic to learn the questions and answers necessary to qualify for voting. The tension first breaks out after twenty-five CORE workers are arrested following an attempt to integrate the Plaquemine Ferry in Iberville Parish. Following the incident, Ronnie Moore, Core field secretary for Louisiana, says, "What the Negroes want in voting registration is one word - protection." Mr. Moore declares that through voting the Negro can change the laws so that there is protection against lynching a guarantee of justice for the Negro in the South, and law enforcement that will protect him. A march by three hundred Negroes protesting the arrest of the CORE workers is met by Bobby Giffon, sheriff of Iberville Parish, who later releases the twenty five CORE members. In the Negro areas of Seymourville and Dupont Annex, the Negroes and CORE members gather to hear James Farmer, National Executive Director of CORE, and demand that the areas be incorporated into the City of Plaquemine and that a bi-racial committee be formed. A second dramatic march, in front of the Plaquemine City Hall, is met by tear gas response from policemen under Police Chief Dennis Songy. Mr. Moore and Mr. Farmer are arrested. But the Negroes and CORE members refuse to give up. A third non-violent demonstration that ends up with additional arrests is again directed toward Plaquemine City Hall. It is at this gathering that Police Chief Songy informs the protesters that a federal injunction against CORE had been signed. The injunction enjoins the Negroes from holding demonstrations, fundraising and holding rallies. Again, another demonstration is planned. This time the crowds makes a surprise night march to a temporary prison compound which had been set up at the Iberville Parish fair grounds. Compared to the earlier demonstrations, this one is rather quiet and no violence occurs. Each of these demonstrations start from the Plymouth Rock Baptist Church in Plaquemine. Since the 1963 summer drive, the church has been renamed the Freedom Rock Baptist Church. Mr. Moore and Mr. Farmer were not released until shortly after the mass march held in late August in Washington, DC. In documenting the voter drive, camera crews worked under extreme technical difficulties. Louisiana Diary: a 1963-64 National Educational Television production by KQED, San Francisco's educational television station. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Program Description
1 hour program, produced in 1964 by KQED, originally shot on film.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Social Issues
Race and Ethnicity
Politics and Government
Media type
Moving Image
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Director: Moore, Richard
Film Editor: Saraf, Irving
Producer: Moore, Richard
Producing Organization: KQED-TV (Television station : San Francisco, Calif.)
Release Agent: KQED
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 48241;48241 (Storage Location)
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2006068-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 16mm film
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: B&W
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2006068-2 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Master
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2006068-3 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2006068-4 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 16mm film
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: B&W
Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive
Identifier: [request film based on title] (Indiana University)
Format: 16mm film
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Louisiana Diary,” 1964-03-16, KQED, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 18, 2024,
MLA: “Louisiana Diary.” 1964-03-16. KQED, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 18, 2024. <>.
APA: Louisiana Diary. Boston, MA: KQED, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from