Excellent Radio/KYXZ

Grover Beach, California


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Excellent Radio (1995-98) was among the early pioneers of the movement to create a process by which communities could legally apply for positions on the publicly owned airwaves.

The station was created as a model that became an inspiration to many other communities throughout the United States. In 1998 the Grover Beach City Council issued an official proclamation recognizing Excellent Radio for broadcasting City Council meetings for three years and providing...

  • "A forum for community members to discuss local issues”
  • "A diverse cultural selection of musical entertainment”
  • "Easy and convenient access to local government information”
  • "Educating and entertaining members of the community”

Today through a coming together of groups like United Way, and friends and advocates for the local county libraries, the likelihood of successful community strengthening is huge! The new Excellent Radio is dedicated to fostering…

  • Cross–Generational respect
  • Cultural Literacy
  • Recognition of the Libraries as the centerpiece of the community (The Commons)
  • Mentoring through United Way’s outreach programs of Health, Education and Income

The creation of this station has a lot to do with the overall strengthening and educating our community for years to come. What better gift for our children could we give today? The transmitter and antenna are on the Nipomo Mesa overlooking the entire Southern portion of San Luis Obispo County. Link to the History of Excellent Radio, 107.9fm Low Power Community Radio.