New Jersey Network News; AIDS And the Homeless

- Transcript
<v Speaker>The federal government today warned that AIDS may soon become the fifth leading killer of <v Speaker>Americans from birth to age 24. <v Speaker>In addition to that stark statistic, advocates for the homeless say this, that AIDS is <v Speaker>a growing problem among the homeless and some hospitals are caring for homeless AIDS <v Speaker>patients longer than medically necessary because there is no place else to send them. <v Speaker>This is a time of year when many of us delight in sharing our homes with family and <v Speaker>friends. Tonight, senior correspondent Larry Stuelpnagel begins a special report on some <v Speaker>who may not see another Christmas and who will not spend this one at home. <v Speaker>[TV theme song plays] <v Larry Stuelpnagel> This room at the Jersey City Medical Center is where 29 year old <v Larry Stuelpnagel>Leslie will spend Christmas. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>Leslie, who asked us not to reveal her last name has AIDS. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>And although she has been well enough to be moved from a hospital setting, for the last <v Larry Stuelpnagel>seven months, she has been stuck here because she has no home and nowhere <v Larry Stuelpnagel>else to go. <v Leslie>I don't know, it just seemed like everything was happening to me. <v Leslie>I uh, now that they finally got something that's
<v Leslie>you know, sort of feeling a little better, but, you know, I'm still <v Leslie>depressed because y- I have nowhere to go. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>For a time, Leslie former I.V. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>drug abuser lived with her father. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>But last spring, a drug using friends stole four hundred dollars from the home and Leslie <v Larry Stuelpnagel>was put out on the street. Her situation is not unique, nor is <v Larry Stuelpnagel>her over half year stay in the hospital. <v William White, Jr.>I guess the record may be 15 months because of the fact that there <v William White, Jr.>is no family structure, there is no home for them to be able to go to, and there is no <v William White, Jr.>residence available in the Hudson County or northern Jersey area in which someone <v William White, Jr.>can be taken care of in a setting, in a situation where they've got proper nursing care, <v William White, Jr.>proper nutrition and proper follow up and being able to assist them once they've been <v William White, Jr.>diagnosed as having AIDS. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>The Department of Human Services estimates there are between 20 and 30 thousand homeless <v Larry Stuelpnagel>people in New Jersey, and homeless advocates say many of their new cases
<v Larry Stuelpnagel>are people with AIDS. <v Cathie Forman>I would say between like 10 to 15 percent <v Cathie Forman>of all our new intakes a month are now people coming in with either AIDS <v Cathie Forman>or AIDS related complex who are homeless. <v Cathie Forman>Spell worked out numbers. <v Cathie Forman>That's between like 20 to 30 people a month. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>New Jersey has designated this nursing home in Wanaque as a less intensive care facility <v Larry Stuelpnagel>for AIDS patients. But when the medical center tried to admit Leslie, she found the <v Larry Stuelpnagel>facility was not prepared to take her. <v Leslie>They'd send somebody up there and uh, the guy didn't have <v Leslie>the right papers and just. <v Leslie>I have to take a drug that is like intravenously given <v Leslie>to me like, you know, for treatment. <v Leslie>They don't do that up there so like they- I don't know, I couldn't go there. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>The director of the Health Department's division on AIDS acknowledges there were problems <v Larry Stuelpnagel>with staff training at Wanaque.
<v Robert Hummel>That staff is now, has been trained or is currently being trained in infusion <v Robert Hummel>therapies. And we fully expect that within a very short period of time, <v Robert Hummel>all of the staff will be qualified and that will certainly enable us to place additional <v Robert Hummel>patients in Wanaque. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>For now, the nursing home in Wanaque is the only state authorized stepdown facility for <v Larry Stuelpnagel>people with AIDS in New Jersey. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>It averages between 10 and 12 patients a month. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>That's not enough space for people like Leslie who are looking for a home. <v Leslie>I lay here. <v Leslie>I lay here and I, I think about... <v Leslie>What I'd be doing If I was home. <v Leslie>Or if I had a place of my own or... <v Leslie>I'm just tired of being, you know, <v Leslie>but I have nowhere to go.
<v Larry Stuelpnagel>Larry Stuelpnagel, New Jersey Network News. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>Jersey City. <v Kent Manahan>We'll be back with more news in a minute. <v Speaker>Rich, here in New Jersey, there are no shelters set up to take in homeless adults with <v Speaker>AIDS. Sometimes a person with AIDS can obtain a voucher to live in a welfare hotel, <v Speaker>but that means only a roof and a bed, not the care and nutrition needed to stay healthy. <v Speaker>Tonight, senior correspondent Larry Stuelpnagel continues his special report on AIDS and <v Speaker>the homeless with a visit to a man suffering from both AIDS and cancer. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>It is a welfare hotel like this one in Jersey City that is home to a man named John. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>John is not his real name, and he has asked us to mask his identity for fear <v Larry Stuelpnagel>his case of AIDS will cause his eviction. <v John>Four years, up until there, up until four years ago... <v John>Only time I've been in hospitals was to visit. <v John>But... here, like now I can't stay out of 'em. <v John>And each time I go, it gets worse.
<v Larry Stuelpnagel>John, who was back in the hospital, not only has AIDS, he also suffers <v Larry Stuelpnagel>with cancer. <v John>At times, the pain is <v John>excruciating. <v John>And at times it's there and it's constant, <v John>at least the pain now. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>John calls his room a tiny box. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>It has no toilet or cooking facilities. <v John>I think what could prolong my survivability would be <v John>if I was able to get three meals a day, just three. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>Everyone knows the importance of proper nutrition when you're sick. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>John would walk 12 blocks to this soup kitchen to get his one square meal a day. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>The square meal soup kitchen in Jersey City serves lunch five days a week. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>It does 4000 meals a month.
<v Anne Christensen>We've seen so many people whose health is deteriorating. <v Anne Christensen>We have to believe that these are folks who are HIV positive. <v Anne Christensen>We certainly know many people who are seriously ill, who <v Anne Christensen>are not sick enough to be in the hospital, and yet there's no housing for them after <v Anne Christensen>they're released. And these people certainly are in a terrible situation. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>So what is wrong with putting the people, mostly men, in a shelter? <v Anne Christensen>And it's not the shelter residents are a danger because somebody is HIV positive, its <v Anne Christensen>because somebody's immune systems are so far down that a common cold for you and <v Anne Christensen>I could be life threatening for that person. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>The state Health Department agrees but help is months away. <v Robert Hummel>One of the major initiatives for the department this year is an attempt to <v Robert Hummel>establish some boarding home residences for people <v Robert Hummel>with AIDS, just as the person you described. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>And the homeless in Jersey City could lose their one solid meal a day as the soup <v Larry Stuelpnagel>kitchen is threatened with eviction.
<v Anne Christensen>I'm hoping that there can be some time bought so we can stay here a bit longer <v Anne Christensen>while we look for another place and a larger place because we really do want to expand <v Anne Christensen>what we can do for folks in a secure environment. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>And winter is not a secure time for men like John. <v Anne Christensen>They become ill again. Their immune systems are down, and without the nutrition and the <v Anne Christensen>housing, they go right back to the hospital. <v Anne Christensen>And taxpayers are paying the money at the back end. <v John>One thing to me is, like a... <v John>its enough to make me afraid, because I know how weak my immune system <v John>is. And um, its not strong enough <v John>for me to be out in the street. <v John>Seven, eight, nine hours a day. Uh, I couldn't survive. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>Larry Stuelpnagel, New Jersey Network news, Jersey City. <v Phil Bremen>The tragedy of AIDS is often compounded by homelessness.
<v Phil Bremen>It's common for relatives or friends to throw out an AIDS sufferer, leaving him to fend <v Phil Bremen>for himself because they fear the disease and resent the victim. <v Phil Bremen>Tonight, senior correspondent Larry Stuelpnagel concludes his special report on AIDS and <v Phil Bremen>the homeless with a look at what can be done about the problem. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>29 year old Leslie does not get many visitors, but this AIDS patient can count <v Larry Stuelpnagel>on her social worker, Valerie Rothman. <v Valerie Rothman>Hey Les, how you doing? <v Valerie Rothman>How was your weekend? [Leslie: Okay I guess] Who came to <v Valerie Rothman>visit? <v Leslie>Nobody, as usual <v Larry Stuelpnagel>Rothman visits at least two times a week. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>And she wishes Leslie's family would come more often. <v Valerie Rothman>Like, I called them before Thanksgiving. Are you coming in? <v Valerie Rothman>And I've ca- And I've said to the father, this is going to be her last Christmas. <v Valerie Rothman>Let's make it a happy one. What have you planned? <v Valerie Rothman>He really hasn't planned anything. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>AIDS can be a lonely disease.
<v Larry Stuelpnagel>The stigma and fear of contagion often lead to the person being shunned. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>Cathy Forman at the Elizabeth Coalition to House the homeless spends more of her time <v Larry Stuelpnagel>on the phone trying to find shelter for people who have no one. <v Cathie Forman>What happens is a family member contracts <v Cathie Forman>AIDS or ARC. And when the family finds out, the fear makes <v Cathie Forman>them push the person with AIDS or ARC out. <v Cathie Forman>And so I- I can tell you that really eight out of 10 people that come in here <v Cathie Forman>that are homeless, that have AIDS or ARC, are coming in, they become homeless because <v Cathie Forman>they've been asked to leave where they're at, they can no longer stay. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>Rothman is frustrated at the lack of alternative housing for Leslie and the lack <v Larry Stuelpnagel>of support from Leslie's family. <v Valerie Rothman>The pain for her is that the family won't even <v Valerie Rothman>make any effort at all to find her room <v Valerie Rothman>for, you know, see if- if I- they can put her in a boarding home or something like that. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>And what would Leslie like?
<v Leslie>I'd like to just see rent out room or just place of my own. <v Leslie>I think that wouldn't be so bad. I wouldn't mind that. <v Leslie>Can't afford anywhere though. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>Leslie is not alone. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>There are people on the streets with AIDS and those in welfare hotels who also need <v Larry Stuelpnagel>so-called independent living situations, a place where they can get the nutrition they <v Larry Stuelpnagel>need and care when it is needed. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>The state is planning up to six such facilities, but they will not be ready this winter. <v Robert Hummel>If an individual is sick, then they ought to be in a hospital or <v Robert Hummel>another type of care facility. <v Robert Hummel>And if an individual is, presents themselves at those facilities, they <v Robert Hummel>must be taken care of. <v Robert Hummel>In terms of the actual time, I would say it probably will <v Robert Hummel>not be till spring, till we have these facilities up and running. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>But that will likely be too late for Leslie, who has spent seven months in the hospital <v Larry Stuelpnagel>dreaming of having a home.
<v Leslie>And even though I was like a drug user. <v Leslie>I always had a home. <v Leslie>And not to have it no more and be sick. <v Leslie>And not to even have one to go to after your sick, after you're better from being sick. <v Leslie>It stinks. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>Larry Stuelpnagel, a New Jersey network news. <v Larry Stuelpnagel>Jersey City. <v Speaker>[silence] <v Speaker>Right product given a choice, Governor.
<v Speaker>For the past six years, you and I have been working together and along with the support <v Speaker>of many others. I've afforded an opportunity to gain knowledge of the governmental and <v Speaker>private sector systems. <v Speaker>In 1983, you gave me an opportunity. And I want to thank you for that opportunity. <v Speaker>1983, you invested thirteen thousand dollars of state money and gave me a job. <v Speaker>Since that time, we have met many times in this room in front of high <v Speaker>school students at Seton Hall Prep and even with President <v Speaker>Reagan. The thirteen thousand dollar investment has paid for itself many <v Speaker>times over, not only in, not only in money that the state and federal governments <v Speaker>saved by not having to place me under Social Security roles <v Speaker>but also it helped me personally, to achieve a happy, productive and independent <v Speaker>lifestyle. I want to touch on a happy part for a second. <v Speaker>And I want to take this opportunity to announce that I plan to be married on June 17th. <v Speaker>[applause]
<v Speaker>Nadine and I are looking forward to a happy life together. <v Speaker>I know it is everyone here all pulling together that help to make our happiness <v Speaker>possible. Since 1983, I have been working to prevent others from becoming disabled <v Speaker>by speaking before countless thousands of high school students. <v Speaker>But yet part of my work has been discouraging because with the continuing drug <v Speaker>and alcohol abuse and the continuing of death on our highways, I have no guarantees that <v Speaker>no one has heard me. But I'm not looking for guarantees because I know there are none <v Speaker>in life. <v Speaker>I must operate on beliefs, and my belief is that the work we <v Speaker>have done has saved at least one life and prevented at least one disability. <v Speaker>And knowing this makes it all worthwhile. <v Speaker>See, this day is a tremendous honor for me, after all, look at me. <v Speaker>5 foot 5 inches. <v Speaker>125 former gymnast. I've been sitting in a wheelchair for the past six years and now
<v Speaker>becoming an official New Jersey Giant. <v Speaker>Check it out. Phil. <v Speaker>But seriously, in addition to my June 17th marriage plans, <v Speaker>I also want to let everyone know this, in the future, I work not only to prevent others <v Speaker>from being physically disabled I am, but also to encourage others <v Speaker>who are disabled to becoming independent. <v Speaker>And governor I'd like to give you this letter regarding my proposal for peer guidance. <v Speaker>One person in which you're helping another to overcome or to prevent a disability. <v Speaker>I want my role in the future to be an example of the positive and the negative, to show <v Speaker>both the positive and the negative in a non-threatening way. <v Speaker>And then I know I must let go and lead the choice up to the individual, <v Speaker>because after being educated about the consequences, ultimately each of us <v Speaker>must make the personal decision as to what kind of life we want to live. <v Speaker>There are no guarantees in life.
<v Speaker>But I believe with you, Governor Kean, with you. <v Speaker>Ralph Dougan, with you George Martin, with you Bill Kennedy, and people <v Speaker>like ?Ranga Tano?. <v Speaker>With the saw working together, we can make a difference. <v Speaker>Let's have some hope. Thank you. <v Speaker>[applause] <v Speaker> Governor, it took many New Jersey giants to complete this program. <v Speaker>If you would join George Martin in making Hector an official New Jersey giant <v Speaker>with a retired jersey from George and a Tom Kane all star with your <v Speaker>first inaugural cap. <v Speaker>All right. <v Speaker>All right. I guess this means box season tickets, I hope. <v Speaker>Thanks a lot. <v Speaker> <v Speaker>[cameras clicking] <v Speaker>Come on, cheese.
<v Speaker>Everything has to be so beautiful. <v Speaker>Very nice. And finally, governor, PIA of New Jersey <v Speaker>wants-. <v Speaker>Demar is content playing in what may be her last season on the court, although she <v Speaker>hasn't. <v Speaker>3 2. <v Speaker>Demar is content playing in what may be her last season on the court, although she hasn't <v Speaker>given up the idea. <v Speaker>3 2. <v Speaker>Demar is content playing in what may be her last season on the court. <v Speaker>Although she hasn't given up the idea of playing over in Europe professionally, Jeff <v Speaker>isn't even thinking about life after squash. <v Speaker>He's all set to embark on what he hopes will be a long pro career. <v Speaker>3 2. <v Speaker>Demar is content playing in what may be her last season on the court. <v Speaker>Although she hasn't given up the idea of playing over in Europe. <v Speaker> Jeff not even thinking of life after squash. <v Speaker>He's all set to embark on what he hopes will be a long pro career.
<v Speaker>2 1 2. <v Speaker>Here we go, three, two and one. <v Speaker>Women's coach- 3 2- Princeton women's coach Betty Constable hates <v Speaker>to see DeMars talents going to waste after graduation. <v Speaker>Three, two, Princeton women's coach Betty Constable thinks it's <v Speaker>a shame that DeMars talents will go to waste after graduation. <v Speaker>Two and one Princeton women's coach Betty Constable <v Speaker>feels it's a waste that DeMars talents. <v Speaker>Here we go, three, two, Princeton women's coach Betty <v Speaker>Constable has been there, 17, 3 2 Princeton women's coach <v Speaker>Betty Constable hates to see DeMars Talent going to waste after.
<v Speaker>Here we go. 3 2. <v Speaker>Princeton women's coach Betty Constable thinks it's a shame. <v Speaker>3 2. Princeton women's coach Betty Constable feels it's a shame <v Speaker>that DeMars talents will go to waste after graduation. <v Speaker>My play. <v Speaker>next year, if not, she'll get started.
- Series
- New Jersey Network News
- Segment
- AIDS And the Homeless
- Producing Organization
- New Jersey Network
- Contributing Organization
- The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
- cpb-aacip-526-pr7mp4wv5d
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-526-pr7mp4wv5d).
- Description
- Description
- "AIDS And the Homeless was a three part series that ran on New Jersey Network News on the nights of December 20, 21, 22 1988. The special report examined the growing and previously unreported problem of homeless people with AIDS."The report painfully shows the plight of two homeless people who are dying of the disease and who are in need of both physical and emotional support. It also tells how the state health department is unprepared to deal with the problem and what needs to be done for people with AIDS who have no one to turn to. "New Jersey has the fifth largest AIDS population in the country and this story addressed a growing and significant portion of that population as the majority of the state's AIDS cases are drug abusers. It was decided that this program should run around the Christmas holiday as this is a time when families get together and the series served as a reminder there are those [who] are in need of friends and support and who will not, in all [probability], not live to see another Christmas. "The program aired over three nights on New Jersey Network News, the four channel Public Television Network in New Jersey and on Channel 13, WNET, in New York which also airs the broadcast. "After the series aired, the woman n the report, was 'adopted' by a local church and buddies began calling her and visiting. The state health department intensified its efforts to bring more shelters for AIDS patients on line and speeded up the training program at the one nursing home in the state that takes in AIDS patients. "Thank you for considering this entry."--1988 Peabody Awards entry form.
- Created Date
- 1988
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:20:03.113
- Credits
Producing Organization: New Jersey Network
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the
University of Georgia
Identifier: cpb-aacip-c120ef16859 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
Duration: 0:12:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “New Jersey Network News; AIDS And the Homeless,” 1988, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 12, 2025,
- MLA: “New Jersey Network News; AIDS And the Homeless.” 1988. The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 12, 2025. <>.
- APA: New Jersey Network News; AIDS And the Homeless. Boston, MA: The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from